Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Issue #429 – Monday, June 24, 2024

Teamwork Really Does Make the Dream Work
A Potent Way to Bounce Back from Failure

By Ryan Standifird

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned so far about fatherhood, it’s that life is messy.

Human nature is fundamentally built around the process of trial and error. Our inherent desire to keep trying and failing and trying again until something works is what gives us hope for a better future, and is the foundation for us to grow.

Take my son, Jack, for example. At 18 months old, he’s just now figured out how to use a fork. I was so proud of him when I noticed he was shoveling bites of macaroni & cheese into his mouth last night for the first time.

It took a lot of messy meals with avocado flung onto the couch, peanut butter smeared on the floor and dropped forks hiding under the kitchen table before Jack was able to figure it out. But despite the failures, I kept putting that fork back on his plate - I kept giving him the opportunity to try and try again.

I kept encouraging him, telling him he could do it and cheering him on. And eventually, his failures turned into success.

The Truth About Failure

I realized that this process of growth is the same for adults too.

I may be a professional writer and editor today, but it took thousands of bad essays, reports and articles marked up with enough red ink to fill a bathtub to get me to this point.

As many great minds have told us - the road to success is paved with failure.

“Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.”
- C.S. Lewis

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”
- Henry Ford

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
- Thomas A. Edison

The point here is that if you aren’t failing, then you probably aren’t making progress. Which is why it’s a shame that so many folks out there see failure as a scary thing.

But it’s easy to understand why failure gets a bad reputation.

Many of us were taught from a young age that failure is not an option or that it’s a sign of weakness. Some may even have endured a lot of harsh judgment or criticism when they failed. 

And while these ideas probably came from a place of love, of wanting us to succeed…

…the truth is that failure is a necessary and important part of success.

So when we fail, we can get disheartened. We can start to doubt ourselves and our abilities. And that kind of thinking leads to - you guessed it - more failure. It’s what we focus on the most that we manifest in our lives.

That’s why today I’m going to share some insights into one major way you can more easily bounce back from failure, so you can keep going and reach your goals.

The Power of Togetherness

Have you ever shot some free throws before?

In a basketball game when a foul is called and the fouled player steps up to the free throw line, they usually have a chance to add a couple of points to their team's score… if they make both shots.

Shooting free throws might seem easy to the observer. But many players will tell you that it can be one of the most stressful aspects of the game. Play is stopped, all eyes are on the thrower, and everyone will see if they succeed - or fail. Many basketball games come down to who makes the free throws and who doesn’t.

And it’s especially stressful when you miss the first of two throws.

Which is why free throws are also a perfect opportunity to learn how we bounce back from failure.

A recent study from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Basel explored what happens when a person misses the first of two free throws, and whether there was anything that improved the success rate of the second throw after missing the first.

The research team studied 60 games played by women’s teams in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and focused on the 835 instances where a foul resulted in two free throws.

They found that there was something that made a difference after a player missed their first free throw:

That player was more likely to make their second free throw if their teammates gave them a fist bump, a pat on the back, or some sort of supportive physical contact.

Wow - just a simple touch was enough to tip the scales and boost success!


The theory is that the contact relieved the stress of the moment, gave the player support, eased their tension and comforted their worries.

“You missed that one but it’s okay, you’ve got the next one!”

Tapping Into Your Support Network

Even if you don't have any high-pressure free throws to hit anytime soon, this concept can apply to you too!

And that’s what I really want you to take home today:

Tapping into your support network gives you a major advantage when it comes to bouncing back after failure.

Whether you’re trying to start a business, paint a mural, build a treehouse, write a book, or grow some tomatoes, your first attempt might not go the way you want it. 

And that’s okay!

In those moments after you’ve failed at something, don’t lose heart. Instead, try reaching out to a close family member. Call a mentor or colleague and talk to them. Go out for a drink with some friends and discuss your goals (and your failures).

When they put a hand on your shoulder and tell you that you’re doing great and to keep trying, your chances of success skyrocket. You’re more motivated and less stressed.

And most importantly, you’re more willing to try again.

Wayne Gretsky was known more for his hockey goals than his free throws, but he was absolutely right when he said,

“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.”

And by the way…

…remember that you can be that cheerleader for your friends and family too!

Your words and actions could be just what they need to make progress on their own goals.

A Call Away

By the way, I know some readers out there might not have a close-knit friend living just a few houses down. Their family might be in a different country or a different time zone. Maybe they are lonely and struggle to socialize at all.

How can you get support when you don’t have anyone to call?

That’s precisely why we offer our highly valuable Accelerated Results Coaching with many of our Holosync programs.

Call us. We want to hear what you’re going through today. Our coaches love to hear about your goals, and are great sources of inspiration, encouragement, and support.

We want to talk to you and help you bounce back!

Just follow this link to learn more about our coaching programs.

Don’t give up on your dreams.

After all, if we gave up when things didn’t work out the first time, we’d never enjoy the simple pleasures of a satisfying forkful of mac & cheese.

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Whether you want a mini vacation away from stress, you want to sharpen your focus, attract wealth, inspire new ideas, or spur vivid dreaming, we have a Holosync meditation designed to do exactly that.

Wise Words

This Really Happened

"I just listened to day three twice. I did not want it to end. I am still feeling energy coursing through my body and it's absolutely joyous. I never expected anything like this. I have done a lot of meditation and never have I had such an easy joyous result."

~Glenna W.
5-Day Challenge Participant

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