"If you can truly live consciously and with awareness, you can’t help but be happy and peaceful."
-Bill Harris
Issue #443 – Monday, September 30, 2024
Way More Than Internal Christmas Lights
An Overview of the Chakras Inside Us
By David Bardes
I bet for many of us, chakras are just colored circles found on charts and pictures in those “new age” bookstores and websites, often with some vague reference to light and energy and how they may affect us. But chakras are not just pretty Christmas lights in your body. There is a lot more going on than colorful charts when it comes to chakras.
The Power of Chakra Healing Work
As an energy healing practitioner myself, it’s always gratifying to see my patient’s breathing ease as I unlock their chakras. Deep sighs and small body motions happen as they quickly drift off into a deep, restful state. Their neck and shoulders soften, their jaws relax, and serenity shines on their faces.
Sometimes tears will flow as a trapped memory is released. My own chakras activate as I connect with my patients' energy. I deeply honor the trust my patients give me to enter their energy fields. When our energy fields are flowing freely, our minds are calm, and it is comfortable to be in our bodies.
An Energetic Understanding of the Human Body
Outside of the traditional Western understanding, the human body is in part energy and vibration. Exceptionally perceptive people from many cultures have sought to understand where and how this energy manifests within us. Traditional Chinese Medicine mapped the energetic rivers within us, internal Chi, and found the best places to enhance these flows with finger pressure or needles. Reflexology works with the feet as representations of our bodies.
Another understanding of the energy of our being is not in tiny rivers of Chi, but in larger energy fields that flow through us and even extend outside of our bodies. Common to several of these energetic maps is a central core of energy that flows from the base of our pelvic bowl to the crown of our heads.
The Chakras
The nodes within this core, the Seven Major Chakras, are what we see in those colorful illustrations. Chakras are energy centers that share the same aspects of flow, rotation, and spin as electromagnetic fields.
There is an important relationship between our health and how vibrant our chakras in this core channel are flowing. Increasing the vibrancy of the chakras brings a release in the tension within the tissues and increases blood flow to the tissue and organs around the chakras.
My Approach
My own approach is to scan my patient’s chakras and feel where the energy feels “thick,” “cool,” or “sluggish.” When I locate them, I work to bring natural and healthy energy flow to that area. If you meditate, you can work with your own core and chakras to keep them healthy and ensure that the overall energy flow is clear and strong.
But first, I’d suggest that you think of the chakra system as a fountain or a tower of this energy flow. As such, the Root Chakra is the foundation of this tower, and so it is vital that this chakra is strong so it can support the others. The root is the chakra associated with our feelings of safety and survival, even our mortality.
As we move up through the chakras, we move through different aspects of the self: our energetic sources of passion, creativity, confidence, our powers of self-expression, cognition, and finally, our connection with that which is beyond the physical.
How to Connect With and Heal Your Chakras
The very first step is to understand that you have chakras. Lots of them! You have chakras in your core, in your hands, even some that float above you or follow you beneath your feet.
But to heal and balance these energy fields, you only need to concentrate on the seven that are part of your core channel. So, where to start? May I suggest that you start with that all-important foundation—your Root Chakra?
Try this: In your meditation, imagine an energetic ball of red light about the size of your fist, resting at the base of your pelvic bowl (red is the color associated with the Root Chakra). Take a moment to envision it. Perhaps you can perceive a warmth or fullness there as you meditate. Or maybe you sense your Root Chakra spinning or vibrating. Simply notice any sensations that arise and don’t worry if you don’t sense anything special.
Send thoughts of love and support to your Root Chakra. Adding affirmations to your meditation is helpful too. You can say, aloud or in your mind: “I am safe,” “I am calm and courageous,” and “I love my Root Chakra.”
Notice your Root Chakra growing brighter and healthier as you meditate. Spend a few minutes every day connecting with and supporting your Root Chakra and notice subtle changes beginning to manifest.
Achieving Balance and Transformation
You can take this same simple approach with each of the Seven Major Chakras to balance and heal them.
In a time of social media health pundits, Zoom-call therapists, and pill-popping, it’s a comfort to understand that we can do something on our own to create and maintain our own wellness. And if you’re already a Holosync listener (as I hope you are!) you already possess a superb way to get into the perfect mindset to do this powerful chakra work.
You can join me in tapping into deep wisdom rooted in the healing practices of ancient traditional cultures and experience true transformation from the inside out!
Check It Out!
Chakra Energy Activator Suite:
Powered by Holosync

There are plenty of programs out there promising to balance your chakras. But you won’t find anything that combines the ancient wisdom of chakra healing with the scientifically proven power of Holosync technology. This unique fusion creates a program that’s not just effective—it’s transformative.
And here’s the best part: with Chakra Energy Activator Suite, you can get all seven easy-to-use powerful soundtracks. Soundtracks in digital MP3 format only.
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Wise Words
“When our energy fields are flowing freely, our minds are calm, and it is comfortable to be in our bodies.”
- David Bardes
This Really Happened
"I’ve been working on a few things over the last few weeks to reduce stress, improve sleep. My days are much happier and so is my partner . Holosync has certainly helped me move in the right direction. Cheers"
~Gary L
5-Day Challenge Participant
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